Policies and Contracts
Our Policies and Contracts
In partnership with the community, the Sussex County Charter School for Technology is committed to educational excellence and guarantees challenging learning opportunities for all students to become lifelong learners and responsible members of society.
We have policies in place designed to protect our students, staff, and property. Please make sure to read these policies regularly, including the main policies below.

Technology Acceptable Use Policies
- Internet Safety Plan (PDF)
- Acceptable Use of Technology (PDF)
- Acceptable Use of District Electronic Network, Computers, and Related Resources (update) (PDF)
- Use of Electronic Communication and Recording Devices (ECRD) (PDF)
- Best Practices for Student Laptops (PDF)
- Student Acceptable Use Policy (PDF)
Discipline Policies
- Discipline Policy (PDF)
- End of Year Discipline Policy (PDF)
- Prohibiting Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying on School Property, at School-Sponsored Functions and on School Buses (PDF)
- Grievance Procedure for Equity Issues (PDF)
- Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying (PDF)
- Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying Incident Form for Families (PDF)