Upload Photos for the Yearbook

Get Your Pictures in the Yearbook!
Dear Parent or Student,
The Yearbook Staff invites students and parents to submit photos for the yearbook. If you have great photos of school and community events or you and your friends just having fun, we’d like to see them. Our photographers can’t be everywhere. Help us get as many photos as possible to create a terrific book everyone will want to have.
To submit photos for the yearbook, please email them to Nicole Hayn, nhayn@sussexcharter.org.
It’s that easy! Submit your photos today! The last day to submit photos is 05/01/2023.
Thank you, and enjoy the rest of the school year!
The Yearbook Adviser and the Yearbook Staff
The Yearbook Staff will review all photos and determine final yearbook content. We cannot guarantee that all submissions can be used in the book.