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School Counselor of Sussex County Charter School

The Counseling Services offered by the Charter School strives to provide supportive counseling to adolescents while at school that helps them succeed socially and academically.

father and son playing

Services Available to Your Child May Include

  • Social Skills Group
  • Divorce Group
  • Anger Management Group
  • Grief/Loss Group
  • Stress Management Group
  • IEP Mandated Counseling

Counseling Services Also Include

  • Peer mediation/conflict resolution
  • Crisis intervention
  • Referral services for private counseling and community resources
people looking at whiteboard for information

For More Information

Contact Lauren Palumbo, School Counselor

Lauren Palumbo, MA, LPC
Charter School Counseling Program
Certified School Counselor
Anti-Bullying Specialist
973-383-3250 x3

Contact Sussex County Charter School Today!